Welcome to Mark Wheland Rifles

Mark Wheland inside the Nicholas Hawk Gunshop at Jacobsburg, PA.
I am a full-time artisan and gunsmith, specializing in historically accurate reproductions of American Longrifles and Fowlers of the 1750 to 1820 period. My goal is always to produce the finest custom-crafted rifles.
My styles include examples of the Allentown or Lehigh Valley, Berks County, Lancaster, Christian’s Spring, Wommelsdorf, and other schools of the period.
Each of my rifles is hand-crafted from a select curly maple blank and the highest quality American-made parts available. I use Getz Barrels and Jim Chambers locks. Butt plates and trigger guards are sand-cast brass. Patchboxes and other parts are hand-made as needed. Each stock is scraped and burnished, not sanded, then finished by hand-rubbing several coats of oil-varnish to give a warm natural glow.
I custom-fit each rifle to the client. I occasionally have finished rifles available for immediate sale as well.
Please click on the tabs above to to explore my site. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have and to discuss your customized rifle with you. My web site is developing – please come back often to see new photos and other changes.
You may contact me by phone, email or mail; I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Mark Wheland
Mark Wheland Rifles
RR 1 – Box 104 B .
Williamsburg, PA 16693PHONE: 814.832.2785
EMAIL: mwheland@embarqmail.com